Scribbling Life
2002-11-16 - 2:04 p.m.

Random Thought:

I was up until 4 a.m. this morning writing.

If you'll remember, I started writing these stories a while back about four sisters. Well, a couple of days ago, I was reading over the story of the eldest sister (which is now my new baby), and decided it was all wrong. So, I started over from scratch.

It wasn't right. Plus, since the initial events of these stories are all the same, I felt that I was dwelling too much on details. And did I mention that they're spoken from a first-person perspective?

Yeah. That's kind of tricky.

You have to keep in mind that, even though you know your characters as well you do yourself, your characters don't know anything beyond their own thoughts and feelings. If you want to indicate that someone else in the story thinks differently from the main character about something, you have to either make sure that person says so, or you have to keep it to yourself and bring it up later as resentment or an "I told you so" or something. Otherwise, your character just became a clairvoyant, and this character isn't clairvoyant.

She's an empath--big difference.

Anyway, so I've now recovered as many pages as I replaced (which, technically, I didn't *replace* anything--I just started a new file), and I'm satified with what I have so far. There's a lot still to do, and of course, I'll need to go back a million times to add and take away and otherwise edit it.

You probably think it's completely insane for me to obsess over this the way I do, knowing that it will never come to anything.

Well, I AM insane, so there.


Seriously, I NEED to do this. I've always needed to write. It's as natural to me as a cinnamon-and-raisin bagel for breakfast, and so much cheaper than therapy! Frown if you will, but just try creating a character and then sending him or her through whatever it is you're going through--see how many epiphanies YOU have!

It's like flow-charting life!

Anyway, when I got to a stopping point last night (er..this morning), I realized that I needed to do some more creative building. The family from which these sisters descend is supposed to be old--really old. So far, I haven't mentioned any further back than the grandmother, but that'll be changing here soon. Therefore, it's time I started a family tree.

Not only that, I want the town to be fictional, but not the state. I want it set in New England (that's the type of setting I've described so far, anyway), and I think referencing a particular state in that region will give it some weight. And a fictional town requires a lot of details, too. These things don't just pop up over night.

"I don't have TIME to take a test right now, I have a entire TOWN to build, damnit!"

So anyway, that's what I've been doing for the past few days.

Well, you know...between going to class, keeping up with my biology labs, and doing the bidding of every freaking family member this side of the Mississippi! I still don't know when I became the do-all girl in this family. It's like they all sit around thinking of things they should be doing, and decide it would just be easier to call ME.

Can't I have a holiday once in a while?

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