Joy, Rapture, I have an OVEN!
2003-11-26 - 1:48 p.m.

Feeling: Happy
Random Thought: Chocolate and Cheesecake and Pie, Oh My!
Music: The dogs howling. I think they're tuning up for a quartet later...

I am now officially on holiday.

I turned my last Web design assignment in a few hours late, and received a deduction of 25 points (out of 100) off. So, in response to my professor's obvious zero tolerance policy, I did the last six assignments last night, and then proceeded to flood his inbox with them.

Have fun, Professor Prick.

So, now that I've gotten that course out of the way and have come to a decent stopping point on the site I was working on, I can focus on more important things... Such as finding a good dessert recipe to make tonight for our Thanksgiving Feast tomorrow, now that our oven is back in working condition.

The element in the bottom had died. I mourned the loss. Seriously, I was in a baking mood and had NO OVEN in which to cook anything! Oh, the horror!

I think I'll make one of my infamous one-bite-and-you-gain-thirty-pounds cheesecakes as an offering to the Goddess of New Oven Elements. I think that will appease her, and thus give the new element as long a life as the last one (which lasted, I daresay, over 20 years).

I just had a 'flu shot by the way. No doubt I'll feel like shit tomorrow, but did you hear about all those kids in Colorado that have died from 'flu lately? I know I'm not a child, and have no immune problems... but still.

The article also says that they weren't sure if the children had been vaccinated, but that vaccinations may not help. I don't care, though. I was sick as a dog this time last year. According to my med records, I went to the doctor on Nov. 4, and was treated for symptoms of pneumonia and bronchitis. By Christmas, everyone in our family was sick as hell with a stomach 'flu.

Needless to say, I personally do not care to have a repeat of any of that. The only people who didn't get the stomach plague were my mom and grandmother because they'd both had 'flu shots.

Now, if I can just keep all sick people away from me for 2 weeks, I should be good to go. That includes the child who attends the Germ Pit they call an elementary school five days a week. Sorry Nyk, m'boy. You'll just have to wait until the start of your Christmas holidays to spend the night with Pau.

Oh, by the way... I toyed with the idea of changing my major to a different emphasis (same CS degree, just a different path), but decided to scrap that idea. I love what I'm doing, and it's one of those fields where you have to keep learning in order to stay on top of the latest technology. So, if I'm going to have to go back every few years to get certified in some new-fangled software or programming language, why shouldn't I have a foundation based on something I love to do? 'Sides, my electives will give me knowledge in networking and programming anyway.

Okay, that's all for now. If I remember something else, I'll update again. I'm off to find a good dessert recipe! Wish me luck--and I'll letcha know what I end up making. ^_~

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Save The Rayne! - 2004-12-27
Want some popcorn? - 2004-06-23
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Pfft. - 2004-06-12
Wheehaa!! Going to see PoA! - 2004-06-02

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