Sisters and Scented Candles.
2003-08-29 - 5:38 a.m.

Feeling: Eh, so-so.
Random Thought: Limited Edition Hershey Kisses with Almonds and Toffee are gifts from the Gods. I am now convinced. Amen.
Music: John Mayer - No Such Thing.

Yay! I did a new template for alookcloser, and she likes it! Go me. It messed up the first time (for reasons I cannot explain, since it worked for me on a diary I use specifically for testing new templates), and I had to go in and tweak it a bit. She's put up the "corrected" code, but now there's a scroll-bar at the far right of the screen when you view it at 800x600.

Yes, this bothers me, and yes, I'm picky like that.'s not my diary and already feel bad for it having screwed up the first time.

So, alookcloser, if you read this, you can go into the code and change where it says "height=40" (there's three of them all right there together, and all just after the first "< tr >" tag you see) to "height=30" and it should fix it. But it's up to you! I'm just being obsessive-compulsive, really.

And stubborn because I refuse to set my resolution to 1024x768. Pfft.

I have a headache now, damnit.

Anyway, I talked to my sister yesterday, and she's doing surprisingly well considering the circumstances. I just hate it for her. We've all been through hell lately, and none of us deserves the proverbial salt in our wounds.

I gave her a candle and a card that says something to the affect of "When you're down, you can make youself feel better by listing 10 things you have going for you..." When you open it, it has a list numbered to ten--empty except for the first one--and above the list, it says (again, this is the general idea of it, can't remember exactly what it says, to the letter) "I'll even help you get started..." #1 is then filled in with "Someone thinks the world of you, and cares about what you're going through."

I think she liked it. And the candle is a berry blend which smells divine. I got myself one, too. *grin*

Speaking of smelly candles...

Does anyone remember the days when we didn't pick up a candle and automatically hold it up to our nose??

PS - See my thought for today. You've GOT to try them. Omg. *swoons*

PPS - I can't believe I forgot to mention that I got LOTR: The Two Towers on DVD! Am going to watch it now! Review comes later. *g*

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