2003-08-23 - 6:44 a.m.

Feeling: Creative.
Random Thought: Still none.
Music: Still none.

Yes, new template.


The background image takes a little longer to load than I prefer, but it's (hopefully) large enough for anyone who has their monitors jacked up to a 1024 x 768 resolution. If you do, then it probably looks a bit...busy.

Nyeh. That's what you get. If you were to viewing it at 800 x 600, it would look just fine, thankyouverymuch.


Now, if would just get their asses together, I could change my template there to complement this one.

<< - >>

Save The Rayne! - 2004-12-27
Want some popcorn? - 2004-06-23
- - 2004-06-19
Pfft. - 2004-06-12
Wheehaa!! Going to see PoA! - 2004-06-02

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