Day 5 (a bit scattered)
2003-07-03 - 2:59 a.m.

Feeling: Blah.
Random Thought: Blah.
Music: ........

I survived.

I really survived. I can hardly believe that I even made it through, much less that I made it through with a smile on my face!

Some of my dad's family showed up this morning. Drew and Crystal (my dad's niece and nephew), and Danny Carole (Crystal's daughter) showed up with Danny's two girls and her brother's son. Of course, Aunt Loraine was there, but we knew she was coming down.

Roo and Asa sat right next to me during the burial and the memorial service that followed. He provided me with entertainment, and kept me laughing. When we first sat down, the choir started singing, and Asa tried singing along (he's only 9 months old). Then throughout the entire service he was playing and smiling and laughing. It was hard to be sad when my dad's 'Mini Me' was sitting right next to me putting on a show for everyone.

Plus, my mom did a wonderful job picking out the music and scriptures. I'm not big on the latter, but music always does me in, no matter what it is. But she didn't choose anything that was depressing. It was all really good. The burial was, of course, short and to the point. I'm sure Daddy appreciated not having to sit there for too long. Gigi and Big Daddy drove me to the cemetery, and then over to the church. Being with them, and not having to worry about driving helped a lot. Then afterwards everyone came back here and ate lunch.

After everyone left, I had to run some errands, so when I got back home, I was so tired I thought I'd collapse at any moment. Luckily, I made it to the bed before I did that. And I slept until 10 p.m.

It's hard adjusting. I could never sleep when he was working third shift, and it's so strange (and more than a little scary) to know that we're alone now. I've asked my mom to have our security system hooked back up soon. Hopefully, it'll help to put my mind at ease.

Until then, I'll just be a paranoid nervous wreck.

God, will I ever feel normal again?

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