Psh. I don't think so...
2003-05-22 - 4:51 p.m.

Feeling: Like I need a nap.
Random Thought: ......*yawn*
Music: Garbage - You Look So Fine.

No sooner had a written this entry that my mom started screaming.

Our black Lab found Morris, and brought him home. He's now buried in our pet cemetery. I don't know if Dingy knows, or if she does, I don't know what her reaction was... Morris was her favorite cat.

On the flip side, he and I had a mutual loathing. That's not to say that I'm glad he's dead (I'm not that mean), just that I didn't like him. *shrugs*


Oh. My. God. Someone sent me a LOTR Collectors catalog.

ARE THEY MAD?!?! I could, like, go BANKRUPT on this stuff!

Heh. And I probably will. Check it out:

"The Elven Brooch - An exact replica of the leaf brooch worn by the members of the Fellowship of the Ring from the movie trilogy The Lord of The Rings� is now available in finely handcrafted solid sterling silver and rich green enameling. Measures 2 3/4 inches in length and comes with a certificate of authenticity. $65"

No, the $65 is not a typo. This piece of junk costs Sixty-Five U.S. Dollars. It's silver and ENAMEL, people! And they want $65 for it? It's wasn't even used in the movie! Hello?!

Heh. I'd love to have some of this stuff--but I wouldn't pay the prices they list. Not even the $295 for Arwen's sword (which I think is just the coolest!).

Okay, so that's my sorry excuse for an update.

I had other things to say, but I've decided not to say them.

This time.

<< - >>

Save The Rayne! - 2004-12-27
Want some popcorn? - 2004-06-23
- - 2004-06-19
Pfft. - 2004-06-12
Wheehaa!! Going to see PoA! - 2004-06-02

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