happy birthday to me
2003-03-16 - 11:59 a.m.

Random Thought:

Okay, I'm totally editing the date on this 'cause when I tried to update earlier (*coughwhenitwasstillmybirtdaycough*), it wouldn't let me.

So...I'm setting it so that I can pretend I got this entry in just in time! Heh. Ain't I a genius?

Anyway, yes, yes, it is my birthday! How old am I, you ask? I am 25.


That's right, again. In other words, the number is NOT going up. I have decided to start categorizing my age like volumes of books or movie sequels or whatever. The current edition just happens to be Age 25: Part 2.

Now, it's time to talk about the PRESENTS! Yay!

Actually...I didn't *get* any presents. You see, my parents are going to let me order some books online. I set myself up with a new diary for the chick who's become my alter ego in the last few months, and set that account up with a gold membership ('cause it was on a promo offer, and I had birthday money burning my fingers!).

HOWEVER, I learned a vital lesson in the process, and will make up for it by redecorating in here soon. *evil cackle*

Also, Roo pre-ordered the Harry Potter CoS DVD for me. YAAAYY!! It's going to be here April 11th. Dingy called to see if there was anything I "needed" 'cause she didn't want to get me anything I wasn't going to use. I kept thinking, It's a BIRTHDAY present! It's not SUPPOSED to be useful, you idiot! So, her present is a surprise and will be here whenever she can get her butt over here. My grandmother and my aunt gave me money (which I turned around and gave to my father so that I could burn it online somewhere). Heather sent me a cute little e-greeting that made me smile first thing this morning. I didn't hear from Sleepy, but since I haven't exactly put forth the effort to keep in touch with her since Christmas, I'm not surprised (and therefore not disappointed). And I really hope I'm not leaving anything or anyone out!

Anyway, It's been a great day! Well, except for the fact that one of Silver's friends will be shipped off to Kuwait tomorrow. I swear if anything happens to that boy over there, I will cry an ocean. He's one of those lights-up-the-whole-room-with-his-personality types, and you can't help but be in a good mood around him. In other words, he's one of the good ones. And it would be just plain awful if something were to happen to him.

And sad.

But I'm not going to think about that right now, 'cause I've just turned twenty-five again, and I still haven't finished picking out my presents!

Birthday cake anyone?

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