I am an Idiot
2003-01-29 - 5:08 p.m.

Random Thought:

A short while ago, I abandoned my schoolwork, my Web design, and my computer (well, all of it's on the computer, really) because my mom said, "if you want any tea, you'll either have to go to the store, or go to Grandmother's and borrow some."

I don't like begging, so I made pretty and went into the kitchen to get her to sign a check.

"I'm not writing a check! I don't get paid until friday!"

My thoughts: *Um....the why the FUCK did you just tell me to go to the store?????????!!!!!!!!*

I said as much, too...only I substituted "fuck" with "hell".

Freakin' Gemini. She's always flipping over her own mind.


Okay, I feel better now.


I learned how to make colored scrollbars! I know, I know...I talk about all this Web crap I've been doing, and I wasn't even sure how you made scrollbar thingies all those pretty colors. Well, unless it's really important, knowledge either has to fall in my lap or whop me upside the head. Otherwise, I do not actively pursure it.

Today, it was the latter. Sure, I could have just come here, and copied the code from my template--but that was too easy! (Well, that and the fact that I didn't even think about it). No, I had to wait until I saw and was grossly impressed by the work of someone HALF MY AGE (!!!!) before I decided to stop procrastinating.

Next stop, javascript!

Stop looking at me like that--I know I'm behind!

I DID learn a little about XML, if that's any consolation (which it probably isn't). However, I've yet to see where it does any good, considering that it doesn't DO anything--in the way of design, anyway.

If anyone out there would care to enlighten me as to why this is supposed to be "the next great thing in Web design," I'd greatly appreciate it.

All of this is silly, anyway. I mean, the only things in what I do that requires any significant amount of time are the graphic images I create for the pages. All this other stuff, in my opinion, is just really useful fluff.

Well, I'm off again. I'll be getting some new toys from Silver this evening (read: new PhotoShop plug-ins and some cool-sounding 3-D graphics program).


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