There's A Thin Line...
2003-01-08 - 2:24 a.m.

Random Thought:

Okay, I now hate The Sims, and will begin my stupid Sims rant:

First of all, those bastards are horribly inefficient. I mean, honestly--you put a trash can right in front of them, tell them to throw something away, and just because that something is on the other side of the room, they choose to take it OUTSIDE instead of chucking it in the damn trash can right behind them! Or better yet, you put a table and chair *in the kitchen*, and instead of using it, they go OUTSIDE, walk all the way around the freaking house (even though there's nothing blocking their path to a shorter route), to sit at the table you've put out on the patio!

WTF, people?!

Then, the idiots start fires! Don't ask me HOW or WHY they do this, but they do it quite frequently! I have created two characters (three, if you count the fact that one of them already died--IN A FIRE), and last time I was in there playing, one of them could only eat snacks because he'd burned his counters, stove, microwave, toaster, and sink (?!), not once, but THREE TIMES! After my first experience with fire, I learned that it's best to call the fire department, and then send them out of the house (no playing the hero, man--repeat NO PLAYING THE HERO--they're just too stupid!).

Perhaps my sudden loathing of this game is due (in part) to the fact that I've just learned to play. Also, it may be because it's just the basic version of the game. Perhaps if I went out and got all those other "upgrades" it would be more fun, but somehow...I'm really doubting it. And I have little doubt as to why.

They are SUCH whiney-butts!

I can't count how many times I've told my little Sims people (out loud), "You need FUN? Fuck you! Your trash is attracting FLIES--clean up, fuckface!" Oh, and it *really* pisses me off when they come up with "I don't want to look for a job right now. I'm too depressed."

DEPRESSED?! Depress THIS, bitch--STARVE!

Here I was thinking that going to the bathroom, keeping one's house and body sanitary, getting enough sleep, and eating at least two meals a day were important. But NOOOOO...apparently, having fun and socializing are top priority for these little freaks, and then they wanna be picky about THAT! One minute they're getting along nicely, the next minute they're pissing each other off.

And what is this "comfort" shit all about? Whatever it is, I'm obviously NOT figuring it out because it's stayed really low, and no matter what I do, I can't seem to get it up to a sufficient level! I've tried sitting, sleeping, reading, watching TV, adding to the decor, socializing--EVERYTHING! Nothing seems to be "comforting" to them!

Demanding, nagging, ungrateful, whiney little fucks, they are! I hate them! Next one to start a fire, is toast.

No free will = a walk in the flames, baby!

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