Inspiration and Cooking
2003-01-06 - 12:57 p.m.

Random Thought:

I didn't even know what day it was when I woke up--lucky me.

So, I finished the fourth Harry Potter book, and will now commense to jumping onto the Hurry-Up-And-Release-the-Fifth-Book-Already bandwagon. I knew I should never have picked up that first book, I knew it! And now look at me...a Rowling Junkie.

You know, sometimes I think she really IS magickal. I mean, after just a few moments of sitting down with her books and getting lost in her imagination, any blocks or doubts I had about my own writing go wondering off into a happy oblivion. I guess you could say that she is a very inspiring sort of writer.

Oh! I almost forgot, I cooked STEAK last night.

That's right--ME. I DID IT!

I don't know when I started getting all gung-ho about cooking. What's more, I no longer wait to be *asked* to do something useful (like doing the dishes or laundry, or even taking out the trash!)!

It's alarming to the whole family, really. I mean, I'm supposed to be slacker--the slob who doesn't do (or will never amount to) anything. Or at least, that's Dingy's impression of me.

Ah, sisterly love.

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