He can "reluctantly apologize," but I won't!
2002-12-08 - 3:01 a.m.

Random Thought:

Yahoo! News Headline of the Day:

"Saddam Apologizes for Invasion of Kuwait"

Saddam: Yeah, um... *ahem* ...um ...God? Uh... Sorry if you think I've offended you. Oh... and.... um... yeah... uh... you guys... um... you Kuwaiti bastards... *ahem* ...I mean, you Kuwaiti people... I ...uh... yeah... Um... Hey! Stop kicking me! I'm getting to it! Um...*ahem* ... Like I was saying... Uh... Yeah, um... To the Kuwaiti people... *ahemsorryahem* Thank you, goodnight!

Kuwaitis: FUCK OFF!


Right. This next bit is going to get very confusing--mainly because I'm just going to kind of puke it out here and see what comes of it later.

I talked to my mom about the woman that came over the other night. I apologized for being so blunt with her about it. I mean, I wasn't being mean when I scoldingly told her I didn't like the woman being here. I was just being brutally honest--which is a fault of mine.

That's not to say that I'm unfeeling when it comes to the really delicate matters in life, nor does it mean that I am wholly without compassion. I'm just smart enough to know that sometimes the truth just cannot be sugar-coated no matter how hard you try.

Besides, I'm not good enough to hide the uglies of the world behind a veil of rose-scented lace. I never was.

Anyway, I told her why I said what I did--why I acted the way I did. Guess what? She feels the same way. Only, I guess she's too nice to do anything about it. Here's what she told me:

The first time she went to this woman's house, the woman was taking a shower. She KNEW my mom was coming over there! My mom said she even had the coffee made and everything laid out--another indication that she had everything set for her visit. Only she got in the shower whenever my mom got there. And she stayed there "forever" (as my mom put it). She said that she didn't think this woman would ever finish.

She said she was so uncomfortable that she will never go back to her house!

And did I mention the weird, creepy situation that ensued whenever I was getting dressed to leave (more like run away) the night she was there?

Right...I guess I was too busy trying to figure out what was wrong with ME.

My mom's bedroom is open to the dressing room part of her bathroom (the dressing room part being the mirror, vanity and sink). It's where she and I always dress whenever either of us takes a shower. Well, I had taken my bath, gotten dressed and was going to dry my hair, when my mom came in to use the bathroom.

Apparently, Ms. Unwelcome was occupying our second bathroom (that's recently been dubbed my dad's bathroom, since he's taken a liking to having his own "throne").

Our word of prayer regarding Ms. Unwelcome took place whenever my mom came out of the bathroom. I was standing there (about to start blow-drying my hair), and I said my peace. As I've already mentioned, my mom seemed most offended by what I said--which was no more than, "I don't LIKE that woman being in THIS HOUSE!"

My mom had time to wash her hands, dry them, and give me a long, disapproving look, when we heard the door to the other bathroom (which is down the hall) open--signaling that Ms. Unwelcome had emerged. Now, instead of going straight back up the hall, and into the living room--like any DECENT guest in a strange home would do--what do you think this woman did?

SHE CAME INTO MY MOM'S BEDROOM WITHOUT BEING INVITED! Hello?! Don't people know what MANNERS are anymore??

I was too pissed off by mom's reaction to what I said to be appalled. It made me feel like the wicked witch of the South, and I do "pissed off" much better than I do "repentive." Strange thing, being pissed off. When you're like that, every other sensible emotion and/or reaction goes right out of the window. So, I turned on the blow-dryer full blast, thinking SOMEONE would take a hint and get lost. The only thing that got lost was my non-well-meant intention.

Anyway, my mom started showing her some of the poems hanging on the wall beyond her bed (there's two feet of space--at best--between her bed and the far wall). She'd had several of her poems printed by a calligraphist back when we were little, and they're her prized possessions. Looking back, I can see that it was initially a very non-chalant, completely innocent situation. But what finally pushed me out of the house (into the freezing cold, with a still-half-wet head of hair) was this woman plopping herself down on my mother's bed, and thus blocking her from leaving the room.

That, combined with the whole shower thing, makes me extremely wary of this woman. And I think I now know why.

There's one little detail that I've left out of this entire ordeal, mainly because I didn't even think about it until my mom told me about the shower incident.

This woman is a closet-case lesbian. She lives with our junior-high guidance councilor--has lived with her for years. I remember it being whispered about when I was IN junior high--by adults as well as the kids, but I've always been cool with that sort of thing. However, now they aren't on speaking terms (even though I think I remember my mom saying that they still live together).

And suddenly she attaches herself to my MOTHER?! She puts my mom in these awkward situations--KNOWING FULL WELL that my mom is TOO NICE to say anything!

I don't fucking THINK so!

We already HAVE an emotional leech in our lives (read: Aunt Psycho). We don't need another!

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Save The Rayne! - 2004-12-27
Want some popcorn? - 2004-06-23
- - 2004-06-19
Pfft. - 2004-06-12
Wheehaa!! Going to see PoA! - 2004-06-02

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