What's WRONG with me?
2002-12-07 - 2:57 a.m.

Random Thought:

Tonight...last night...this woman came to our house. She's someone my mom has recently become all buddy-buddy with--even though I cannot, for the life of me, understand WHY. I mean, my mom's friends are referred to as "The Bridge Ladies." And they're just that, prim and proper ladies--with hearts of gold. But that's not the point. My mom's been friends with a variety of people, from all walks of life. She's just open-hearted like that.

Anyway, THIS woman dropped in on us just before Charmed was supposed to come on (only, it didn't because there was a golf game on, I think), and what did I do?

I lock myself in my room, naturally.

Yeah...I don't quite understand it myself.

I felt so icky, so *very* uncomfortable. Then she stayed for supper, and I had to force myself to eat. She talked, they talked, she laughed, they laughed. I wanted to vomit.

And no...I don't KNOW why.

There's nothing repulsive about her, really. I mean, it's not like she's an unclean (or otherwise untidy) person. Her personality seems a bit odd, but nothing that should be sending off alarms. Plus, I've sort of known this woman all of my life. I mean, she went to our church the whole time that I attended regularly (which stopped sometime during my teenage years). I don't know if she's still going there or not, but that's not the point. It's not like she's a complete stranger to me...at least, not in the never-seen-you-before-in-my-life kind of way.

The thing is, this woman freaks me the phack out, and I don't understand why. I'm not like this at all! I mean, I've been wary of people for no apparent reason before, and my intuition has always proven to be correct. But never on this scale. Never so much that I couldn't even bring myself to be civil (or even stay in the same room with her for more than a few minutes).

I couldn't even talk to her! Hell, I could barely look at her. Even when I'm around people I don't know, I can still muster up enough courage to be polite and friendly! I even told my mom that I didn't like her being here, which she didn't understand (or like hearing) at all.

I just don't understand what's wrong with me. But something is completely off here. Something's not right--either with me or with her. Something big. Something that bites.

And I don't want to just wait around to see what that big, biting something turns out to be.

But what other choice do I have?

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