Update #131 (I think)--for which, I have no title
2002-11-26 - 1:35 a.m.

Random Thought:

It's strange how I can come here without one inkling (is that even how you spell that word?) of what to write and end up writing something anyway.

You'll notice I didn't say "writing something profound" or "writing something worth reading."

Just wanted to point that out.

Anyway, I just read this article that said...well..I'm not sure exactly what it was saying, but it seemed to be down-talking the IT industry (especially telecommunications and e-commerce--two fields I'm seriously focused on, academically speaking). And, of course, if they were down-talking one thing, then they had to praise something else. In this case, it was saying that the "new frontiers" (so to speak) are bioscience and nanotechnology.


*has a moment of panic over the future*

Okay...this is not something to worry about just yet. I have to remember that I live in the South. Things move a lot slower here, so I should be okay for at least a decade or two...right? Besides, what if this article was tooting the wrong horn? What if nanotech and that other thingy aren't as grand as they think it is?

But didn't they say that about the Internet when it exploded onto the scene?

You know what...let's move onto another subject, shall we?

I was in the kitchen earlier today when my mom gave me her credit card. She wanted me to check the balance on it, so I did. Apparently she thought she had charged a lot more than she did, 'cause she was relieved to hear that she still had plenty of available credit left.

So was I!

I gave her the card back and said, "Goody! Now we can go to--"

She cut me off: "If you say anything about Bath and Body Works, I'll hurt you."

Me: "What?! What's wrong with Bath and Body Works?"

Mom: "Nothing, you've just been bugging me about it!"

Me (going into a Scarlett O'Hara episode): "There are few places in this world that make me feel peaceful and happy! Home and Bath and Body Works are those places! And Pier 1! As God is my WITNESS, I'll never go without Cucumber-Melon handsoap and Tropical Orchid candles again!"

She didn't respond.

I think I may have laid on the drama a little too thickly. I'll have to try her again in a few days. I WILL go to Bath and Body Works. You watch!

And then maybe we'll go to Pier 1.

Yay! I can't wait!

We've gotten most of our Christmas presents wrapped. My mom came up with this brilliant plan. I don't know why we didn't think of it before now! Since Grandmother always puts her Christmas tree up the day after Thanksgiving, and puts fake presents under it until she finishes her shopping, my mom decided that we'd take our presents up there when her tree is up.

It's a win-win situation, people!

We get rid of these presents NOW, and Grandmother doesn't have to stick cheesy, fake presents under her tree!

Is my mom brilliant or what?!

Whatever. I'm just glad she's out of that "mood" she was in yesterday. It was such a bummer.

Okay, it's bedtime.

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Save The Rayne! - 2004-12-27
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- - 2004-06-19
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Wheehaa!! Going to see PoA! - 2004-06-02

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