Riding The Waves
2002-11-08 - 1:37 a.m.

Random Thought:

Man, I am SO gonna crash when I have to come off this medication!

But for now, I'm actually enjoying it. I feel good, now--even though I have to be careful not to overdo it and make myself sick again ('cause technically, like I've mentioned umpteen times already, I'm still very much in the recovery process). I've gotten used to the jumpiness so now it feels more like good vibes.

Tomorrow I start slacking off on the steroids though, so hopefully the whole nose-dive part won't be that bad. It still feels weird saying that I'm taking freaking STEROIDS. Thank goodness I won't be on them long enough to do any beefing up.

In any case, I really wish it wasn't so cold right now. I'd love to get outside and do some stuff--even though I can't, for the life of me, think of anything I know how to do outside (well, in terms of work, that is).

You have no idea how hard it is to find decent pants that are long enough when you're nearly six feet tall! And ironically, all of the "tall" sizes out there, are usually TOO long. I just saw some in this Land's End catalog, and apparently they hem them for free. I think I shall buy me a pair.

Wait, what was I talking about?

Oh! Outside. Yeah. I'm thinking maybe now would be a really great time to plant all those herbs I want to start growing. Then I could start my own line of herbal remedies and spa treatments. Hey, maybe after I make my first billion, I can start implementing my plot of taking over the world!

The only problem is, most herbs can't be planted until *after* the last threat of frost passes--you know, in the SPRING. So there goes all my daydreams of success and world domination.

Besides, you'll notice that in my last entry I was out to save the world. See?! I'm way too indecisive. I could never be a sucessful world dictator.

But I might do okay as a Goddess. The cosmos are usually fickle, anyway.

I wonder what it would be like to live in a place where you might actually NEED to wear thermal underwear. Would I even be able to function in such a place? Probably not. Besides, thermal underwear is so not sexy.

OH! Yesterday (11-7) was Silver's and Sleepy's birthday! I called Sleepy (she isn't coming into town until tomorrow) and wished her a Happy Birthday. We had a birthday supper for Silver, too--even though Roo just did that for him this past weekend. But no, Aunt Psycho just had to have her way.

Speaking of Aunt Psycho, I really need to stop calling her that. It's very insensitive of me. I guess I'll have to start referring to her as Aunt Scorpio or something.

Dingy called me earlier yesterday (even though she was there for the supper). To hear her tell it, I'll be minus both legs and strapped to an oxygen tank before I'm 30. Little Miss Health Alert and her rather large ass apparently don't understand what it means to NOT meddle in other people's lives. Then she wants to get all offended when I laugh in her face and tell her to fuck off.

Ugh. Stupid blonde, busy-body. I know she means well and that she loves me (at least, I THINK she does), but she really does overly dramatize my lifestyle. No, She-ra I am not, but I'm not exactly slouchie the slug, either!

I feel the need to do some cleaning, so I'm gonna go now.

Before I go, though, I should apologize. I know this has been a very confusing and disorganized entry, but that just shows you the frame of mind I've been in lately.


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Save The Rayne! - 2004-12-27
Want some popcorn? - 2004-06-23
- - 2004-06-19
Pfft. - 2004-06-12
Wheehaa!! Going to see PoA! - 2004-06-02

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