The Art of Writing (and other babble)
2002-11-02 - 11:25 p.m.

Random Thought:

I shouldn't be smoking.

You know this, right? I mean, I went for several hours without smoking because, personally (and maybe it's just me being weird again), I LIKE being able to breathe. And for some strange reason I couldn't do that this morning when I woke up.

Might have something to do with the fact that my lungs were filled with fluid (that won't seem to go away!)...but I could be wrong.

So, I told myself, "Self! We're going to lay off the cigarettes as much as possible until this passes (or until you get it through your thick skull that smoking is BAD for you and you CAN quit without having to shuffle your parents loose the mortal coil first!)."

Oh, how I loathe the fourteen-year-old Rayne of Christmas past. If only she'd stuck to her declaration, "I'm NOT going to be like Dingy and Silver. I'm NOT going drink OR smoke!" But no...she just HAD to do what the in-crowd was doing.

And now Rayne of the Present is suffering for it.

Let's hope Future Rayne gets it before it's too late!

So yeah...this is my first cigarette in several hours. Somehow I'm wishing that first puff would have sent me into a fit of uncontrollable coughing so that I'd have immediately put it out. Instead, it feels like talking to an old friend.

Bad friend. Bad, bad friend!

Okay, the cigarette is out now.

Onto even more mindless subjects...

I've been noticing this whole NaNoWriMo thing floating around Diaryland. I have, of course, looked it up to see what it was about, but I have just one question.

Is 50,000 words the average length of a novel or something??

I never knew. See, I'm the type of person that doesn't even understand the concept page numbers. If someone tells me "I read 150 pages last night," all they'll get from me is a blank stare. But if someone holds up a book and says "I read THIS MUCH last night," (while holding the clump of pages in their hand) THEN I'll be impressed.

Page numbers don't exist as far as I'm concerned. My dad even tried to tell me a few times that he read x-amount of pages out of a book that contained y-amount of total pages. That didn't do anything for me either. Hell, even when *I'm* reading I don't look at page numbers. I'm always sneaking a peek at the top or bottom to see where I am in relation to what I think is considered half-way!

So naturally, when I'm writing, I'm not even concerned with word count. If the story is going along nicely, and I'm getting it all out before the thoughts mosie off somewhere else, then I consider myself doing really good.

And since checking out the NaNoWriMo thing, I've decided I'd do no good there. I'm way too critical of my own work, and everything would HAVE to be perfect. From the sound of it, this "contest" (or whatever you choose to call it) is about quantity, not quality--and I'm a very quality-driven chick.

Guess I just take the whole art of writing way too seriously or something...

Though I must say, it IS admirable that all of these people are willing to participate. I guess in that respect, I'm all for getting people to write--no matter what it is they're writing about. And I wish all of the participants the best of luck! :-)

I think if I cough one more time my head is going to explode! That would make such a mess, too, and I really don't feel like cleaning just now.

OH! Speaking of this cold, get out your pencils and mark your calendar! I've decided that--though I'm NOT running a fever, NOR bleeding profusely--I will go to the doctor on Monday if this cold hasn't gotten any better. I still maintain that they'll be able to do little or nothing for me, but perhaps they'll discover some sort of infection that can be taken care of via antibiotics.

That would be nice.

I pop a few pills and it magically disappears within a day or two...

MMMmmmnnyeah...not very likely, is it?

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