Happy Halloween!
2002-10-31 - 11:10 p.m.

Random Thought:

Happy Halloween!

We didn't have any trick-or-treaters--except for Nearly Headless Nyk, and Ace, The Frog Prince. Gigi did NOT bring Kotabug, and I will be thoroughly scolding her for the snub tomorrow! I was SO looking forward to seeing her! She was supposed to be dressed up like Pooh, damnit!

Anyway, in other strange news...

Before I decided to trash the Biology notes idea yesterday, I was actually trying to catch up. I was jotting down the proper definition of a word from the back of our biology book, when I looked over and happened to catch sight of the term "fairy ring."

Now, this term seemed a bit odd to me, but apparently this is one term that science hasn't transformed into something more scientific sounding.

Everybody should know that a fairy ring is really no more than a ring of mushrooms that pop up on the ground--I think it has something to do with spores or some other fungal phenomenon. I've heard of the term before, but I don't know the whole fairy connection story, nor have I ever actually SEEN a circle of mushrooms. Usually, I only see mushrooms randomly growing, or see them growing on rotting logs and such.

Anyway, that's not the point.

The point is, I just thought it looked out of place there in my Biology book (even though I know it is something that pertains to biology, as fungi usually do). And what was even MORE strange was what I saw right there in my front yard when I took Missy out for her morning pee-pee. You guessed it, a half-circle of mushrooms. I said, "Oh LOOK, Missy! A FAIRY RING!"

She wasn't impressed, of course, but that's not the point.

The point is, later when I was sitting in the living room, watching the Haunted History of Halloween, my mom piped up with "Hey! Did you see the FAIRY RING out in the front yard?!"

Funny how this term is just jumping out at me left and right in the last 24 hours.

Okay, so I KNOW that probably wasn't fascinating to anyone but me--but that's okay.

Speaking of fairies, though, I was looking around one day (online) for a fairy figurine for one of my friends' Christmas present, when I stumbled across the artwork of Amy Brown.

Technically, I stumbled across her Fairy Divas first, but that, of course, left me interested in her artwork. I must say, being a fairy fan myself, it's really good. She illustrates them in the way that *I* think a fairy should look. Their wings are butterfly-like (not the translucent, dragonfly-looking wings that you see on Tinkerbell and other fairy illustrations).

Anyway, like I was saying, I really like her artwork and I'm absolutely in love with the Fairy Divas. But apparently they're extra popular, so they're hard to come by right now--that's okay though, one day, I will HAVE THEM ALL! HAHAHA!

Yeah, okay...maybe I am a wee bit obsessed...

Also, I may not have mentioned it before, but I'm in love with Cicely Mary Barker's Flower Fairies as well, (the figurines, that is--but her art is cool, too). In fact, my particular favorites are Narcissus, Dead-Nettle, Red Clover, Pear Blossom, Lavender, Privet, Speedwell, White Bindweed, White Clover, and Winter Jasmine--all with bases, of course.

But I'm not picky.


My, that was quite an extensive section on fairies there.

Oh, Dingy called me earlier. She wanted me to drive all over the freaking county so that she could get to where she needed to be tonight (and no, she couldn't drive herself).

I don't fucking *think* so!

Now, before anyone accuses me of being selfish and heartless, I'd just like to point out two things:

1. Dingy would NEVER take me anywhere if I asked her--and I *have* asked her, she balked at me.

2. Dingy wouldn't need ME to take her anywhere if she'd stopped pretending she was a teenager long enough to realize that she might actually get in trouble for some of the things she was doing.

Sisters...can't live with them, can't shoot them.

And if you have a sister like Dingy, you can't insult them, either...no matter how hard you try.

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