Walking With The Rayne
2002-10-13 - 6:13 p.m.

Random Thought:

It's a gray Sunday. I just got through watching this historical thing on TV about the Roman empire.

Apparently, the Romans were quite tolerant of all religions (and there was a vast ocean of them at that time)...that is, until Christianity came along.

What a stir that caused.

I honestly think...no, maybe I NEED to believe...that the very first Christians were doing things right. According to all that I've ever read or heard, the very first system of Chrisitanity was most certainly NOT the corrupted institution it is today.

It's not easy to seperate the story of Christ and the institution of Christianity. And I find it very awkward to say that I believe in God and Christ, but that I have no faith in or affiliation with the system of Christianity (i.e. I belong to no church, no group, no denomination).

It sounds like an oxymoron, I know. But it wouldn't if you truly thought about it.

I've tried very hard to find some semblance of goodness in the system, some spark of hope that somewhere there is a group who thinks and feels the way I do about it. Unfortunately, I've yet to find it.

Don't get me wrong, I don't think that Christians themselves are corrupt people. I just think they're misguided by overbearing doctorines, narrow-minded "leaders," oppressive guidelines, and (in some denominations) presumptuous and self-righteous attitudes.

In short (in case you've somehow missed the point), it is the SYSTEM and not the PEOPLE with which I am unable to connect.

However, these two are, a majority of the time, one and the same.

Sad, but true.

I'm appalled at every act of violence and/or oppression that has ever been carried out in the name of God and Christ. I'm repulsed every time I see the name of God or Christ plastered on a billboard, license plate, bumper sticker, t-shirt, keychain, or anything other promotional item of the kind. And I'm ashamed to know that there are people in this state who would be so presumptous as to IMPOSE their beliefs on everyone else by proclaiming that "every household in the state of S.C. shall have a video of the story of Christ."

Anything to draw the masses, right?

Yes, come to us, all you non-Christian people. Let us strip you of your heritage and the beliefs of your ancestors. Cast off your identity and assume this pseudo-squeaky-clean, self-righteous image. And if you dare to question it or dare to refuse it, we will do that which we are not supposed to do (judge you), and condemn you to hell.


I shall have engraved invitations drawn up at once.

But apparently they feel that they are doing good by this. And so I cannot say that they are doing anything wrong. They're just going about the task of spreading their beliefs in a way that I would not.

Oh, and speaking of hell...I don't believe in an absolute evil. No one and nothing takes the blame for any act of wrong-doing that I may commit. I know better. Anyone who has ever felt pain, embarrassment, or any other form of discomfort, by their own hand or by that of another, knows better. Never be so much of a coward that you cannot take responsibility for your own mistakes.

That's the way I see it, anyway.

I've painted an awful picture here. But understand...I'm not so opinionated that I don't have room for respect. I'd never tell any one person (Christian or not) that their beliefs are wrong. I may not agree with their views, I may not believe the same things they believe, I may even be offended by some things. But I'd never say they were outright WRONG.

I suppose that's one obvious thing that makes me different. I believe that whatever religion or diety(ies) a person puts their faith into must be right for them. Even those who have seemingly opposite beliefs from my own cannot be called wrong or evil in my estimation.

I have no right or wrong answers. All I have are my intuition and my own sense of right and wrong. I have my ideas, my beliefs, my thoughts.

That is all.

And somehow...writing all of this out--the good and the bad--has filled me with a feeling of peace.

That tells me I am walking the right path...for me...

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