Sewing for Dummies
2002-10-12 - 9:57 p.m.

Random Thought:

You know how those really long skirts are so fashionable right about now?

Well, I'm almost six feet tall, so when I see a really cute skirt in a store or that's supposed to be about ankle length...I'm basically out of luck. You see, on NORMAL people, this really cute skirt would probably fall exactly where it's supposed to.

Not so on me.

Nooo, I'd be lucky if it fell below my calves!

So, I got the smart idea to make my own.

The only problem is, I can't sew.

However, despite this one, insignificant factor, I went out, bought a pattern and some fabric (and all the other things that the pattern said I needed), called up my grandmother for a quick over-the-phone lesson on how those pattern thingies work, and sat down to accomplish the impossible.

The good news is, I've completed the task. The skirt is complete.

The bad new is, it looks like shit, and fits very awkwardly.

So much for that little venture into Domesticland.

The sad part is, I also bought this pattern for a really great medieval gown (thought it'd be cool for Halloween). Unfortunately, I don't think I'll ever see it completed unless I either (a) buy one of those seamstress dummies that can be raised up to my exact height, or (b) get someone else to make it.

Thank GOD and all the Saints that I do NOT live in a time period when a woman's value rested solely on her domestic skills. I SO would have failed in the sewing department.

And really...what man in his right mind would have wanted a chick who couldn't mend his sock or make him a decent pair of breeches?

Oh yes, I would most definately have ended up an old spinster.

I still might if I'm lucky.



Aside from my mishap with the sewing machine, my dad and I had Mexican for supper tonight. I noticed when we were eating that he seemed a little...I dunno...depressed or something. So, I asked him what was wrong. He said "Nothing," and we went through the rest of our meal with him sitting there, sulking.

I let it slide.

When we left the restaurant, we decided to go out to Silver's to see Nyk and Ace. About a mile up the road, my dad started talking about what was bugging him.

Apparently, he's lonesome.

That made me feel horrible.

He said that he's lived in this town for over twenty years now, and he's never had any social life to speak of--plus, in his current job he works alone. At least in his last job he was around people.

I know that my dad gets lonely, but it seems like every time I think about it, I'm right-smack-dab in the middle of something important--usually something that HAS to be done ASAP. And when I get finished doing whatever I was doing, he's gone to sleep or something.

It makes me sad for him. I know what it feels like, but *I* can handle it. I've never been a social creature. I actually PREFER solitude. But I do understand that he isn't like that--he likes being around people, having someone to talk to all the time, etc.

What can I do?

I already have to be my mom's best friend...just so she won't think that I'm being "imposed upon" by having to take care of her when she gets sick (she has MS, so one day she could be good as gold, the next she could be doing really bad). My mom doesn't like "being a bother." So I have to pretend that there's nothing in the world I'd rather do than take care of her--which is the truth 99.9% of the time.

I love my parents, and I'll always take care of them.

But I have no clue on how to remedy my dad's problem. He's already in my company a majority of the time (much more than Silver's or Dingy's, anyway).

Guess I'm just not talkative or interesting enough...

Lord knows my mom won't drag herself away from her gardens long enough...

What can I do?

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