*/* Horomonal Angst */*
2002-07-05 - 2:32 a.m.

Random Thought:

I don't know what was wrong with me today. I just felt like shit all day--and my attitude smelled about the same. Could be PMS, could be manic depression. It's anyone's guess.

Silver is trying to get me to go out with my sister's ex. How weird is that? They just broke up about a week ago (even though the relationship's been in the toilet for the longest), but that's beside the point. I just can't go there.

I'm not sure I can go *anywhere* anymore. All of my relationships have been so fucked up. It's like I'm relationship retarded or something. A slug magnet. Only the slugs always seem to be cleverly disguised as seemingly normal guys. But there's always a "fixer-upper" quality about them. Therapy might could help me solve whatever issues are underlying in this department. Unfortunately, I can't afford it.

Anyway, combine the sister's-ex set-up conspiracy with the post-traumatic stress from my last encounter with my aunt, and throw the fact that I'm pretty much failing a class this semester into the mix...and Voila. Instant nervous breakdown.

Okay, so maybe I deserve a good PMS-fest.


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