Six Feet Under with Seven Up.
2002-06-14 - 7:53 p.m.

Random Thought:

If I'd known that being unproductive was this much fun, I would've done it a LONG time ago!

I've done jack-shit since the other morning...and I'm lovin' every minute of it. I'll be sad to see Sunday night arrive. That's when my textbooks come back out of hiding and I have to return to the Land of Academics.


Aside from the book that I'm reading (Janet Evanovich's "Seven Up"--"Hard Eight" is coming out next week, I think, so I wanna catch up), I've been watching tapes of HBO's "Six Feet Under." My sister-in-law, Roo, wanted me to start watching it, but I don't get HBO (plus, she wanted me to start from the beginning), so she loaned me her tapes. She was right, I liked it.

Anyway, I'm gonna go now.

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