*blinkblink* Me!
2003-07-12 - 2:38 a.m.

Feeling: Alright. I guess.
Random Thought: .........
Music: Some New Age crap

I just realized that I can redo the code for my guestbook, so hopefully (if I have time in the near future), I'll get that changed soon.

As for everything else in my life, I'm not sure.

I still have moments when my dad's death slaps me in the face. Like last night. I don't know what made me think of it, but I was thinking about clipping Missy's claws. Daddy always held her for me 'cause even though she got excited whenever he was around, he could still hold her tight. My mom's not like that.

So, I'll just add that to the mile-long list of things I have to adjust to doing on my own.

I've been comtemplating marriage. Did I mention that before? I'm too lazy to go back and look right now, but it's true.


Contemplating the idea of getting married.

Me, people! Me! The girl who used to loathe the thought of legally binding oneself to another person. Rayne is thinking that she might someday want to get married.

What is the world coming to, I ask you? I keep telling myself that I'm just wanting to fill the void. My dad was a source of strength for me. He was always right there, no matter what. With him and Silver around to do all of the manual labor, I never needed to think about having another guy in my life.

Well, except for sex.

This is South Carolina, people! Not Arkansas. We draw the line at fourth cousins.

And, of course, those needs could easily be fulfilled without the messy complications of a relationship. But that's exactly what I've been thinking about lately. A real, honest-to-goodness, messy, complicated, and more-time-and-energy-than-I'm-probably-willing-to-put-forth relationship.

Me. ME!


Somebody talk me out of this!

<< - >>

Save The Rayne! - 2004-12-27
Want some popcorn? - 2004-06-23
- - 2004-06-19
Pfft. - 2004-06-12
Wheehaa!! Going to see PoA! - 2004-06-02

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