Mush Head
2003-01-17 - 1:37 a.m.

Random Thought:

My brain has obviously turned into [insert something squishy and useless here] this week.

Last night, I was asked to redesign a Web site, and the muses just weren't being free with the love.

Now usually, I don't have a problem being creative. That's mainly because whenever I try to get some rest and/or relaxation, a billion and twenty ideas for various things--from writing to cooking to design--pop into my head. Somehow all of those little sparks of creative ideas get miraculously filed away until I need them. And that is why I normally don't have a clue about what I'll actually do whenever I set myself to a task that requires a bit of creativity until I sit down and start doing it. It (seemingly) just comes to me naturally.

Not so this week.

Apparently, the right side of my brain (as well as a majority of the left) took a holiday, and left no word on where it's (they've) gone or when/if it (they) will be returning any time in the foreseeable future. Unfortunately, until the return of the most vital parts of my entire existance, I will be forced to fudge my way through the extremely important tasks ahead of me.

This completely and totally sucks a big fat donkey d--


As for the rest of my life...well, I found out today that I am the ONLY ONE enrolled in the online Web Design II course, which means that it'll probably end up being cancelled. I have mixed emotions about this. On one hand, I have the possibility of getting back more money from my financial aid (and I say "possibility" because the financial aid people know absolutely dick about what they're doing). But on the other hand, I will not be taking the ONE class that was supposed to save my sanity this semester!

All these unnecessary inconveniences!

Why can't they just be nice and GO AWAY?

<< - >>

Save The Rayne! - 2004-12-27
Want some popcorn? - 2004-06-23
- - 2004-06-19
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Wheehaa!! Going to see PoA! - 2004-06-02

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