DVDs, Old Friends, and Teaching Myself.
2003-01-10 - 2:08 p.m.

Random Thought:

I have DVDs!

There are SIX in all!

And I have Practical Magic and Mansfield Park!

If I were someone else, I would be SO jealous of me right now!

I've been wanting Practical Magic forever, but I've always come up with some excuse not to buy it on VHS. However, I felt that acquiring a new toy perfectly justified my breaking down and finally buying it.

Mansfield Park is just the best Jane Austen movie there is. It's even better than the A&E/BBC version of Pride and Prejudice, and Lord knows I could never get enough of that movie!


I got a letter from an old friend today, along with the Virtual Lab CDs for Biology 102. I couldn't decide which one I was more happy about receiving--good tidings or proof that I will not have to personally disect any poor dead animals!


Nyk is spending the night tonight. Hopefully I can get him to concentrate long enough to learn to tie his shoe--but it's highly unlikely. He's been having a problem learning how to do it, and even went so far as to say that he doesn't need to learn because all the little girls from grades K-5 know how. Apparently, he is confident that he can charm them into tying his shoes for him.

Not like his daddy, is he?

I still remember when I learned to tie a shoe. I had been in bed (this was when Dingy and I shared a room) thinking about it, got up and took a shoe from the closet, then sat down on the floor by the night light and taught myself.

See? Even back then I was getting flashes of insight in the late hours of the night. Even then I was better off learning things on my own, rather than having someone else try to explain them to me.

I did alright in elementary and middle school, but it wasn't until high school that I picked back up the Kindergarden habit of teaching myself. Incidentally, my grades improved drastically in high school.

Coincidence? I think not!


Well, that's all I have to say for now. I haven't had lunch yet, and I'm about to starve. So, I think I'll go scare up some grub, then get down to the business of replying to this letter.

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