Merry Christmas Eve
2002-12-24 - 8:35 p.m.

Random Thought:

I was feeling better...this afternoon. I'd slept most of the day, so that might have had something to do with it. But whenever I got dressed to go to Grandmother's, I started feeling drained again.

Being as sick as a dog on Christmas really sucks.

Grandmother's was as wonderful as it is every year. Unfortunately, Gigi and Big Daddy and Kotabug were already there, so it was too late to warn them about the plague that's been floating around at that point (even though we told them just the same). Kota was such a cutie--it broke my heart that I couldn't get within ten feet of her. I got a lot of nice and useful things. I would be a lot happier if it weren't for the fact that I feel about as exciting as the non-seasoned mashed potatoes I ate for supper.

Then everybody came back here for our own little gift-opening session. They're gone now, though. Santa's up next...I just hope he doesn't make too much noise.

Oh wait, nevermind....*I'm* Santa in this family. Although right now, I'm thinking we're all way too old for it, and let 'em buy their own damned toilet paper, anyway!

Who am I kidding? I love playing Miss Clausette...I really shouldn't let one bad Christmas ruin the whole lot. Really.

Yeah...I'm beyond tired now, so I'm gonna go. Hope everyone is having a Happy Holiday!

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