My Mom
2002-08-26 - 7:27 p.m.

Random Thought:

It's supposed to storm tonight, so I guess that means I'll be reading. Then again, if there's one thing I've learned in my lifetime it's that weather people lie.

They LIE, I tell you!

Anyway, we need all this hype about storms has my mom ditching her prozac face for a slightly more chipper version.

My mom's a Gemini, and I'm convinced that she has a form of tourettes (a type that doesn't involve foul language). You've probably known people like her. They act as if they can't possibly hold a thought in their head without it spilling uncontrollably out of their mouths.

Not saying that all Geminis are like that, mind you...that was just a filler phrase.

Anyway, here's the way my mom's mind works in co-operation with her mouth:

We're in a very public place (like a restaurant or store) and she's looking around at everyone. Let's just say, for the sake of argument that there's a woman nearby who looks...well...strange. I don't care what's wrong with her--she could have bright orange hair or something...

Me (thinking to self): *Geez, that woman's hair clashes with her nose.*

My mom (OUT LOUD and VERY AUDIBLE to everyone around!): "My God! Do you think she knows her hair is neon orange??!!"

Me: *cringe, looks for place to hide*

And if you think that's bad, then you can imagine what she says/does in the comfort of her own home!!

It makes me wonder if something happens to mothers while they're giving birth. I mean, does a vein that carries much-needed oxygen to the part of the brain that houses common sense errupt or something???

I don't get it.

Well, it appears that the weather people didn't lie afterall....THIS time. That means I need to stop rambling and unplug my computer.

Heaven forbid something should happen to it.

I'd need at least twenty years of therapy to get over the loss!

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