Coming Down With Something
2002-07-16 - 8:31 p.m.

Random Thought:

This has been the SHITTIEST summer of my life!

Here's an account of everything that's happened:

1. Silver decided to get a house moved onto the property beside my parents--said I could have it (take over payments, whatever) when they're able to build (which should be in a few years). I thought that was cool, so I agreed. Somehow I also got sucked into the overall plans of which house and where to put it and everything else, and was whisked away on this stress-trip--all just to have the whole thing cancelled because a MAJOR problem arose in the business. I have financial interests in the business, btw.

2. Statistics. Need I say more?

3. My aunt, who always calls when she has the least little problem or worry, decides to get a computer (she has a *computer phobia*!). Like a complete and total dumbass, I tell her "it's okay, I'll show you how to use it." Well, obviously her phobia is justified because apparently whenever she has a computer in her house (which is never until a few weeks ago--and thank God and all the Saints that she only kept it a week!), deep, dark, and extremely unpleasant childhood memories come back to haunt her. The remedy for this dilemma? Call [me] at 3 a.m. and relay the gory details, then call [my brother] at 4 a.m. after I've hung up on you because you said something that put me in shock for the next 24 hours. Only, don't apologize to me or worry that I am now scarred for life! Just continue apologizing profusely to my brother for how you inconvenienced him. YOU FUCKING SELFISH, UNGRATEFUL, LUNATIC FREAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!

3. Lady took a holiday. Don't ask me where she went...if she doesn't show up this month, I'm going to *really* start worrying--I'm just pretending to worry right now.

4. My ex-would've-been-brother-in-law is entertaining an idea to find another way into the family--via me. *I don't fucking think so!*

5. Panic attacks came back after two years without them. DUH?! See the first four entries--no surprise there. Technically, they started back just after #1.

6. I'm coming down with something. Probably a summer cold. Great. Just what I need during the LAST WEEK OF SCHOOL!!!

Will it *ever* end?!?!


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Save The Rayne! - 2004-12-27
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- - 2004-06-19
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