Wishes and Shopping Lessons
2002-06-05 - 8:18 p.m.

Random Thought:

Nothing much going on here. I took my first lit test, and I'm sure I did alright. I still have tons to do.

I'm so tired.

I'd give my first-born child if I could just have one moment of complete and total peace--no worries, no schedules, no people, no noise, no nothing...just me in a moment of pure serenity, so that the world falls away and I'm left standing alone against a pure white background of peace....

But then again, I'm not having kids, so I guess that makes the whole wish fulfilment thing null and void.


Took Gigi shopping yesterday and she had Kotabug in tow. Kota was so cute--she knew perfectly well what we were up to! The grin on her face and the way she kept grabbing things off the rack was a good indicator that she'll probably grow up to have some serious credit card debts...not to mention excellent taste. ;-)

I came home after that and did some work until it was time to go out to Roo's to check the mail and feed the cat. Mon fr�re called to check on things, and to say that he's having the best time doing "jack shit." I'm glad they're having a nice time on their vacation, they deserve it. Plus, he works way too hard.

Anyway, that's all for now. Maybe I'll get a crumb from a muse here soon and get really profound and philosohpical (read: vague and cheesy).

Until then, night night!


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Wheehaa!! Going to see PoA! - 2004-06-02

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