a "test-drive" entry
2002-06-03 - 3:01 a.m.

Random Thought:

Okay, so I've never done this before. Until I decide if I really like it or not, I'm going to blame my actions on a bad case of Insomnia. I watched a news documentary not so long ago on the trend of online diaries. One of the questions asked was *shocker* "why?"

It made me think. Why DO people want to do this kinda stuff? I have one theory. We want others to know. It doesn't matter how trivial, how private, how embarrassing, or even how gross--we want anyone who will listen to know what we're thinking, feeling, learning...

We're social animals. We feed off of information, knowledge, insight. We need contact and freedom of expression. But we don't always get what we need in our normal, day-to-day lives. Pressures from peers and family members quiet our inner voices and restrain us from saying what we REALLY think and feel. The Internet gives us anonymity while offering an outlet. Most importantly it allows us the liberty of offering up our angst to the world, something mere pen and paper could never do.

I know, I know...somewhere along the way a diary became this sacred and private object, something that was for the composer's eyes only. To break into it was a breech of privacy...and trust. But the technological wave has altered that just a bit. It's not your little brother knowingly creeping into your room to read his big sister's diary. It's a stranger on the other side of the country (the world?!) reading the words of another stranger, and maybe--just maybe--understanding exactly what you mean.

It doesn't even matter if no one "gets it." The point is, it's out there--floating around in cyberspace--and not trapped inside your own mind, festering like an angry wound.

In any case, I decided to try it...see if it proves as therapeutic as I think it could be. My life isn't grand or exceptionally interesting...it's plain, average, perhaps below average. But just the simple fact that it IS a life, makes it worthy of narration.


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