Happy Birthday, Silver!
2003-11-07 - 2:23 a.m.

Feeling: Crazy
Random Thought: Two words: Sirius Black.
Music: Chemlab - Exiled

I thought I might want to go ahead and update this before the actual day itself starts...

Happy Birthday, Silver!!

I baked a cake for him! Go me! Unfortunately, I found new pictures from the Prisoner of Azkaban movie, and ended up leaving the cake in there for 10 minutes longer than it should have been because I was too busy drooling over 'em.

Yes, I'm a sad case. But that's okay, 'cause I saw a decent piccy of Gary Oldman playing Sirius Black! Woohoo! *dances*



In other news, I was given a reprieve from my U.S. History mid-term. Technically, I wasn't meant to take it until Saturday, but my proctor called this afternoon and said that she'd arranged for me to take it today. So, I fried my brain trying to cram 11 chapters worth of information into my brain in the span of 2 hours. I was able to sucessfully revise 9 of those chapters, but had to ditch my efforts at 6:00 to take a shower and get ready to head over to where my proctor was meeting me.

I got there (it was at my old church of all places), and she was in the middle of a Bible study session. Yay. So, she interrupted the thing to let me into the secretary's office. Once we were in there, she asked if I was ready. Of course, I blurted out "NO!" before my mouth caught up with my brain. But in this case, that was a good thing because she said she'd rather wait until I was ready. So, we made arrangements for me to take it on Sunday.

Yay! No mid-term for another two days, birthday gig later today, and PoA piccies to drool over!

Life is good.

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Save The Rayne! - 2004-12-27
Want some popcorn? - 2004-06-23
- - 2004-06-19
Pfft. - 2004-06-12
Wheehaa!! Going to see PoA! - 2004-06-02

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