Into the past...

2003-12-30 - Looking Back.
2003-12-29 - It was inevitable, I suppose.
2003-12-29 - To live forgotten, and die forlorn?
2003-12-28 - Fictional Therapy
2003-12-27 - Lost Among The Masses.
2003-12-27 - The Skin Saga Continues.
2003-12-26 - I'm okay?
2003-12-25 - -
2003-12-24 - Christmas Eve 2003
2003-12-23 - H20 Good.
2003-12-22 - Smells Like Christmas Prezzies!
2003-12-21 - The Gathering.
2003-12-19 - Mm-mm good.
2003-12-17 - -
2003-12-16 - In Need?
2003-12-14 - Wha--?! *blink* Oh no you don't!
2003-12-13 - I can't believe I just did this.
2003-12-12 - The 80's Strike Back
2003-12-10 - -
2003-12-10 - -
2003-12-08 - Move along.
2003-12-04 - -
2003-12-03 - Not Fair!
2003-12-01 - Not Talking.
2003-11-28 - Double Scorched Tongue
2003-11-26 - Joy, Rapture, I have an OVEN!
2003-11-24 - 0000001
2003-11-22 - Things Lately
2003-11-18 - -
2003-11-14 - -
2003-11-13 - Major Bummer.
2003-11-11 - Stages.
2003-11-10 - Piccies!!
2003-11-09 - EEP!
2003-11-07 - Happy Birthday, Silver!
2003-11-05 - -
2003-11-04 - Unfeeling?
2003-11-03 - *yawn*
2003-10-31 - Halloween.
2003-10-28 - SPAAAAAAAAM.
2003-10-28 - Wisdom is a Woman.
2003-10-27 - Proctor stuff.
2003-10-25 - BlahBlah: A History.
2003-10-23 - Only Temporary, Mind You.
2003-10-22 - You know what? Just overlook this one.
2003-10-20 - School and Dreams
2003-10-20 - Mm.
2003-10-18 - Boys Are Stupid. But I'm worse, I think.
2003-10-17 - My Day.
2003-10-15 - Aboinasdfhjg. Yeah.
2003-10-11 - G'mother update and stuff.
2003-10-10 - Oh. Dear. God.
2003-10-10 - G'mother Update
2003-10-08 - Briefly:
2003-10-06 - Clothes. And you know, stuff.
2003-10-04 - All Figured Out
2003-10-02 - Convos with a 6 yr. old.
2003-09-30 - Here comes the rain.
2003-09-28 - CDs and shtuff.
2003-09-25 - nbnhb
2003-09-21 - *sigh*
2003-09-19 - My Day From Hell.
2003-09-18 - Let The 'Trip' Begin.
2003-09-17 - Been Drinkin'
2003-09-14 - Long-ish Update
2003-09-11 - Morpheus, eh?
2003-09-09 - Toxic Dump.
2003-09-08 - So What?
2003-09-07 - Here we go again.
2003-09-03 - Tired (yet again).
2003-09-01 - Lovely.
2003-08-29 - Two Towers
2003-08-29 - Sisters and Scented Candles.
2003-08-27 - What A Bullshit Day.
2003-08-27 - All giggly and shit.
2003-08-24 - Wooop.
2003-08-23 - Mhmm.
2003-08-23 - Today was a good day.
2003-08-20 - Let's Pretend.
2003-08-19 - For Shin.
2003-08-18 - I Live in a Damn Madhouse
2003-08-17 - Googled
2003-08-16 - Insert Knife Here.
2003-08-13 - Bastards.
2003-08-13 - Learning (new temp, too).
2003-08-11 - Mine, all mine.
2003-08-09 - To Dream....
2003-08-08 - Color Test Thingy
2003-08-07 - Rayne Sings...
2003-08-04 - Sleeeeeep. Must sleeeep.
2003-08-02 - Resting.
2003-07-30 - Doing My Duty--Again. *sneer*
2003-07-29 - Not Sleepy.
2003-07-28 - I don't care.
2003-07-25 - Money Woes
2003-07-24 - No fix
2003-07-21 - Books
2003-07-20 - Today = Bad Day.
2003-07-20 - name this one, eh?
2003-07-19 - Reactions
2003-07-17 - Why so difficult?
2003-07-17 - Stupid Dreams.
2003-07-15 - Gah!!!!!
2003-07-14 - Cleaning
2003-07-12 - Unloading some Quiz Results
2003-07-12 - *blinkblink* Me!
2003-07-10 - Nonsense
2003-07-08 - More....stuff
2003-07-06 - Trapped
2003-07-05 - Babbled Thoughts
2003-07-03 - Empty
2003-07-03 - Day 5 (a bit scattered)
2003-07-02 - Day 4
2003-07-01 - Day 3
2003-06-30 - Day 2
2003-06-29 - More Grief
2003-06-28 - A very Dark Day
2003-06-26 - HP5 and Life.
2003-06-15 - Given out
2003-06-11 - Another year, gone.
2003-06-09 - Why, damnit?
2003-06-07 - The Green Man wears a Pink Panties.
2003-06-05 - Survey...thingamabob...just read it.
2003-06-05 - "I'd know what to do if I just knew what's coming"
2003-06-04 - Nyk!
2003-06-02 - Me is nocturnal again....? (I hope)
2003-06-01 - scared
2003-05-31 - Look for changes soon...Maybe.
2003-05-30 - New Layout....?
2003-05-30 - Vacation, perhaps?
2003-05-29 - A, B.......................and C.
2003-05-28 - No more room for this...
2003-05-26 - May 26
2003-05-24 - It didn't work.
2003-05-22 - Psh. I don't think so...
2003-05-21 - Not-so-vital Stats
2003-05-17 - Sickness
2003-05-15 - Animal House
2003-05-13 - Will we see a repeat of Summer 2002?
2003-05-11 - Quizzes! (*coughstolencough*)
2003-05-11 - Mother's Day and stuff
2003-05-10 - Explanation
2003-05-09 - Quotes - Love and Sex (mostly)
2003-05-08 - Blank
2003-05-06 - Spamology 101 - Lesson 2
2003-05-06 - Spring Rant #....I dunno, I lost count.
2003-05-05 - Wasn't that nice?
2003-05-01 - Wwwweeeeeee!!
2003-04-28 - Damn You Winamp!
2003-04-27 - Conversation with Dingy
2003-04-26 - Quizzes! w00t!
2003-04-26 - Finding The Light....In The Rain
2003-04-23 - KILL HIM!!
2003-04-22 - Doing It Anyway.
2003-04-22 - Damnit!
2003-04-20 - Easter Regrets
2003-04-18 - I am an idiot
2003-04-16 - Mmmmmmm.....happy.
2003-04-15 - *blink* [Insert Clever Title Here]
2003-04-14 - Sifting through the spam
2003-04-14 - When I'm Gone
2003-04-12 - What do you want to know?
2003-04-11 - Not Easier, Just Different
2003-04-11 - I Don't Fucking Believe This
2003-04-10 - More random babble
2003-04-08 - Pray
2003-04-07 - Foul
2003-04-07 - Quizzes
2003-04-05 - Saturday, April 5, 2003
2003-04-01 - In a Giving Mood
2003-04-01 - More Minor Changes
2003-03-30 - Anti-Boy
2003-03-28 - Vamp
2003-03-25 - mhmm
2003-03-23 - Non-entry
2003-03-23 - Cryptic and Bitter
2003-03-21 - The Good and The Bad
2003-03-20 - Yipee
2003-03-19 - *sigh*
2003-03-19 - Rayne - Bein' Stupid Again.
2003-03-16 - happy birthday to me
2003-03-13 - Wish List 2003
2003-03-11 - Nothing's Changed
2003-03-10 - Isn't That Magical
2003-03-09 - I want...
2003-03-07 - Welcome to Neptune
2003-03-01 - Thunder and Rayne
2003-03-01 - I deserve it.
2003-02-27 - a very confused entry.
2003-02-25 - Technosexuality
2003-02-24 - New System Sheds Light on Internet.
2003-02-21 - AAAHHHH!!!!!
2003-02-17 - It's So Weeyud
2003-02-14 - Blazing Decisions
2003-02-13 - Blah, Blah, Fucking-Blah
2003-02-08 - Moonlight and Sunshine
2003-02-07 - Silver's Soapbox
2003-02-02 - >>Loser<<
2003-01-31 - So-So
2003-01-29 - I am an Idiot
2003-01-27 - No Comment.
2003-01-25 - Buffy? Charmed? AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!
2003-01-25 - Doscientos D�lares, Por Favor
2003-01-23 - Brrrr.
2003-01-21 - Busy Busy
2003-01-18 - Woo Hoo! Go ME!
2003-01-17 - Mush Head
2003-01-15 - Let The Countdown Begin!
2003-01-14 - A Dream About Teeth
2003-01-13 - I Heard a Rumor (oh my!)
2003-01-11 - The Missing Duchess and Hogwarts Online!
2003-01-10 - Iahm Sohfakin Bohrd
2003-01-10 - DVDs, Old Friends, and Teaching Myself.
2003-01-09 - What's With The Roads?
2003-01-08 - There's A Thin Line...
2003-01-07 - Livin' (Not-So-)Large
2003-01-06 - Inspiration and Cooking
2003-01-04 - Potter-Induced Flashbacks
2003-01-03 - Wow, I'm awake early.
2003-01-01 - 2003! Yay!

Entries from 2003
Entries from 2002

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