2004-02-29 - 11:25 p.m.

Feeling: Happy!
Random Thought: I can't believe it!
Music: still none.


Oh. My. God.

I just got a phone call from Luther--this guy I used to work with--completly out of the blue! I was so surprised! It was a nice surprise. ^_^

It's been six (heh, almost said "sex") years since I've seen this guy, and he was the coolest! Of course, I had to go and be all girly and crush on him for a while there, but I got over that relatively quickly.

Okay, background (because I don't think I've ever mentioned him here--at least, not that I can seem to dig up, anyway):

I worked with him in the warehouse, where he was dubbed "Mr. July" (or some centerfold-sounding name like that). He acquired this name from one of the women that worked in the office at the time because apparently, sometime just before I was hired, he was found sprawled out all sexy-like on top of a stack of pallets in front of one of the huge, industrial sized fans. Shirtless. Long, blond hair whipping in the breeze. Perfectly tanned skin gleaming in the sun.

Yeah, he was a little God-In-Training back then.

Meh. Anyway, we hit it off almost immediately because we both had extremely dirty minds, and could find the most gutter-worthy ideas in the most innocent of phrases. Our breaks consisted of listening to everyone else talk, while randomly glancing over at one another, and dying in a fit of giggles.

No one else got it. Which, I suppose, is why we got along so well.

But at that time, I was of the mind that work was work and homelife was... well, homelife. The two didn't mix because there was supposed to be this unbreachable barrier between them (don't ask where I got this notion, it was just... there--in the beginning, anyway). Soon, however, he started needing rides home, so I obliged, and somewhere during that time, he came back here with me to my house for something or other. A little while after that, he started coming over whenever.

He ran into Silver the first time he decided to pay me a visit at home (I wasn't there), and they eventually got to be pals. And we started hanging out away from work a lot. Just friends, mind you. As far as I was concerned, he was totally out of my league in any other respect.

Luther was one of those people who come into your life for just a brief moment, and make such an impact you're never quite the same again. He was the first guy (non-related) that I'd ever seen cry, as we sat on my back steps after he received word that his dad had gone to the hospital with heart problems. And I didn't feel wierd comforting him, like I have so many times since. He was the first guy I hung around with that I actually didn't mind letting sit with my parents while waiting for me to come home.

He moved away while I was doing 90 on I-95, trying to get home from freaking Virginia so I could say goodbye to him before he left.

Never got to, though.

I wrote him once, when Nyk was born, and sent pictures of the new Mommy and Daddy and baby. And I called him once sometime after that. Never heard from him again.

Until just now...

He has a little girl named Autumn, who is almost two, and he lives in Wisconsin now. *sigh* It was so good to hear from him! I didn't realize how much I missed him until I saw his name on the caller ID.

We didn't talk very long, and there was an awkward moment when he asked how my parents were doing:

Him: "So, how are Mom and Dad?"
Me: "My mom and dad?"
Him: "Yeah, how are they?"
Me: "Well... my mom's doing fine." *pause that lasted too long as I thought of an easy way to put it* "Daddy died this past June."
Him: ..........Silence...........
Me: "Hello?"
Him: "I'm so sorry."
Me: *smiling* "It's alright. Don't be. We're doing fine." *shrugs*
Him: ..........Silence...........
Me: "Are you still there?"
Him: "Yeah, sorry, I'm just trying to remove this foot from my mouth."
Me: "Aww!" *laughs*

Typical Luther.

God, I miss him.

<< - >>

Save The Rayne! - 2004-12-27
Want some popcorn? - 2004-06-23
- - 2004-06-19
Pfft. - 2004-06-12
Wheehaa!! Going to see PoA! - 2004-06-02

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